Friday, March 18, 2011

200 Women In One Night!

Dear Speed Seduction® Student,

Only one thing pleases me more to hear that a student is kicking ass and taking names.

What could please me more than that, you ask?

No, not the entire UCLA Women's Volleyball team suddenly deciding that hugging me nasty in the dark is an obsession they HAVE to fulfill (Although I do love the UCLA Women's Volleyball team!)

No, what pleases me most is hearing that a student is actually helping out a fellow student to get amazing results.

Look: when I think back to what an incredibly tongue-tied, nerve-wracked, chicken-chokin' loser I used to be with women, it makes me want to cry.

So, when a student gets marvelous results, and then helps another student achieve the same, well, I'm about as proud as a hillbilly daddy in a roomful of virgin 13 year olds!

So, imagine my good feelings when I got the following email:

Hi Ross,

I thought the story of what happened last night might be interesting for Some of you - especially the newer SS students.

After the London seminar the Irish lads decided that we should get together and start to really push these skills forward.

After a number of bars we were all off the mark and had already got some great responses. Things were off to a great start - the guys had gone from not being able to open, to using blurt-outs, intuitive openers, humorous approaches, and some great sincerity, which we learned from the Gold Walk Ups DVD

The more women that were opened, the further the old beliefs faded. THE WOMEN LOVED THESE CHARMING GUYS.

I helped one student, Dan, with some of the exercises on your Fear Into Charisma DVD

Here is the REALLY INTERESTING THING - he got some great smiles, some kino from these women, and out of about 50 approached women, only 2 semi negative responses. The energy was grounded before going out, and his state, energy, and awareness were totally controlled and supercharged.

After this, women were approaching him, and there was no more fear of approaches - he hit the100 openers mark by the end of the night.

Then came Selig.

This guy was amazing, he really got into the ritual before hand, and we reversed some of the energy surrounding his former fear of clubs when we arrived at the place.

After a little while Selig had hit 60 approaches. At this stage there was no stopping him.

Selig had moved from being afraid to speak to women, to a guy who was magnetic, charming, intuitive, and dynamic in a little under 5 hours. He broke the 100 approaches mark by the end of the night.

I'm sure the guys will have their own stories to post in more detail, but suffice to say, approaches are no longer a problem.

John Stein - Cork, Ireland

John, what can I say? A huge "right on" for helping out
your fellow Speed Seduction ® students. May you always find women with warm hearts, firm bods, and lots of moist relief!

Peace and piece,


P.S. Want to overcome YOUR fear of approaching women and know the 4 different ways to meet them anytime, anywhere, and never worry about what to say? Then check out:


And let me know when you top meeting 100 women a night!

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